Fracking for the Soul

2 min readAug 15, 2020

Yoga. The word alone can incense that fearful, masculine troll dwelling inside many of us. It conjures up images of lean physiques in Lululemon leggings, Insta stories of headstands on perfect beaches, and of course, culturally-appropriated symbols adorned by a soft-spoken, millionaire re-named “Lotus”.

Such skin-deep trimmings could understandably weigh on an innocent bystander, reading the practice as some twisted, egocentric cult. But these don’t do justice to yoga, which if truly practised is a disruptor that can frack away at a convenience-led, consumerist culture of mindless action and accumulation. Centred on self-enquiry, yoga can slow our inexorable drive for peer recognition, quick fixes, and placing happiness firmly in the hands of others. You’re instead invited to take a seat as the innocent spectator to all that’s unfolding within, simply moving through postures, staying inquisitive, and accepting whatever crops up in mind and body on a journey inward. Ultimately, you may begin defusing from your mind activity and to notice an untethered, innocent space that watches this overactive world whizz by, untainted and whole.

Of course, yoga has been commercialized, “fitnessized”, and fetishized. But you’d probably still kick a football around and see your team play, while also understandably feeling unsure about the globalized behemoth brands that dominate top-flight soccer today. Yoga is

a loving way to re-invigorate, slow down, and see beyond the noisy chatter accelerating around our ears and eyes.

So, what do you think?

Any questions, message away and we can arrange a chat or session.

Have a nice breath :)

